Join the GDD Community!

GDD is a great way to become a part of Cal's game development community, regardless of experience! Interested in learning? Try out our Decal or join a Party. You’re also welcome to all of our semesterly events. To get involved, simply join our Discord server and you officially be a GDD member!


GDD hosts a number of large events every semester. One of these is our Industry Speaker events, where you’ll get to hear from professionals already working in the industry!

We also have Bear Jams, our semesterly game jam. Participants have 45 hours to make a game from scratch. And, of course, we have our Semester Showcase, where you’ll get to see the incredible games the Decal teams and Parties have whipped up this semester!


If you’re looking to learn how to make games outside of class, joining a Party is the way to go! Parties are groups of students led by a staff Mentor. Together, you’ll make a game, start to finish, in one semester!

All levels of experiences are welcome. Beginners will learn game dev basics hands on by working on the game under their Mentor’s guidance. It’s also a great chance to get to know your fellow club members and make some friends!

Try out some GDD games!

Thank you to our Funders!

Spring '23

Billy Le | Ty Do | Sophal Chan | Luan Do | Duy Le | Lei Wang | Phong Tran | Weimin Tan | Alex Nguyen | Alston Chan

Fall '22

Brent Batas | Daniel Cho | Jaime Lee | Christian Strohm | Nikolaos Tzaneteas